Dr spec Maja Lakčević

E-mail: maja.lakcevic@gmail.com
Brief info

Maja was born in Belgrade and had no moment of doubt about her future profession. After graduating from The Faculty of Dentistry of The University of Belgrade and finishing her internship at The Military Medical Academy, she continued her professional development in private practice. By working with patients and listening to their needs, comments, requirements and ideas, she started to create a vision of her own career and the area of expertise. When she finished her specialization in Periodontology and Oral medicine in 2014 she decided to start up her own private practice.

Continuously improving her knowledge and skills at both international and domestic conventions, Dr Maja achieved a special feeling and easiness in dealing with patients, so today her office is a place where people come gladly and in trust.

She will free you from fears and grant you a beautiful smile, and what’s more with all her heart.