
An implant represents a screw composed of titanium, a highly biocompatible material which is acceptable by our body and firmly associated to the jaw bone in which it is incorporated.

A dental implant, which replaces a missing tooth root, provides complete functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of the patient. For a long time, one or both sided deficiency of lateral teeth, which is the most common problem of our patients, has been an indication for designing dentures. Nowadays, thanks to implants, we can restore the whole of a dental set and regain a lost chewing function, without any need for applying dentures. What the patients expect after losing all teeth is a reliable and long-term, and above all, fast recovery. In that sense, implantology of the current strain represents a revolution in dentistry.

Dental office Lakcevic provides its patients with All on 4 implantology prosthetic restoration. A patient who is toothless in both jaws can be given a beautiful smile in just one day.  By technique All on 4, only four implants are inserted in specific locations: two frontal positioned vertically and two in the level of premolars. Right after the implementation, the prosthetic solution is carried out so the patient gets a new, beautiful and healthy smile in just one day.

Our dental office inserts implants of the highest quality such as Bredent, Straumann and BioHorizons.